Day 2

Networking breakfast
The JWC Greg Schultz Memorial Mentorship Program: investing in the next generation of wound-care pioneers

In honour of the late and much-missed Dr Gregory Schultz, this presentation will describe how this program will support up-and-coming CAMPs providers, to help them reach their full potential and move the discipline forward

Chief of Surgery
Mount Sinai West Hospital, New York
Complementary therapies for CAMPs

Wound care is multifaceted, and there is often scope for treatments to work in combination, with one enhancing the effect of the other. This is true of CAMPs, where adjuvant treatments can make all the difference in promoting and accelerating healing. This session will look at advanced technologies that can be used to enhance application and improve healing outcomes.

Use of adjuvant therapies to improve clinical outcomes with CAMPs

• Debridement (e.g. lasers, ultrasound, surgical plasma)

• Wetting solutions

• Autologous point-of-care wound management system

Research Associate UZH and Attending Physician USZ
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland
President WebCME
CMO Kent Imaging / RxOS Medical / Auxillium Health
Dean School of Podiatric Medicine; Professor and Director of Clinical Research
Barry University School of Podiatric Medicine, Barry University, Miami
The Essential Guide to Teamwork in Limb Preservation: Improving Patient Outcomes

Discover effective teamwork strategies in limb preservation to enhance patient outcomes. This essential guide covers collaboration

Morning break and exhibition viewing
The new LCDs: what are they and what do they mean for you?

The new local coverage determinations (LCDs) is limiting reimbursement of CAMPs for diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers to those with a strong supporting evidence base, and then for up to eight applications only, unless medical necessity can be proven. This will have implications for both patients and health-care providers. This session will take a deep dive into the effects this will have not only on service provision, but also access.

Senior Director of Health Policy
Kent Imaging
Chief Medical Officer
Comprehensive Wound Care Services
Medical Necessity Documentation: requirements for payment

To justify use of CAMPs on diabetic foot ulcers and venous leg ulcers, medical necessity will need to be demonstrated. This session will give practical advice on how to do this, based on accurate documentation of clinical assessment and implementation of standard of care.

Surgeon/Wound Care Physician
Surveying the evidence base: the case for reimbursement in diabetic foot ulcers

The new LCD stipulates that coverage is only justified for CAMPs with a robust evidence base, with the implication being that current research data is neither extensive nor strong enough. But new research is making a strong case for the use of CAMPs. This talk will explore the latest evidence supporting the application of CAMPs on diabetic foot ulcers, outlining how much of a difference these advanced products are making to patient outcomes.

Chief Medical Officer
Surveying the evidence base: the case for reimbursement in venous leg ulcers

Recent research is making a strong case for the clinical and economic benefits of using CAMPs on venous leg ulcers. This talk will explore the latest evidence for this indication, pointing to the real difference these advanced products can make to patient outcomes.

CEO Wound Care Experts
Wound Care Experts
Preserving CAMPs usage: coverage for tunnels, Mohs and similar applications

There were fears that the LCDs might also restrict coverage of CAMPs for tunnels, Mohs and other complex wound types. This session will give a comprehensive overview of the published and emerging research data on the use of CAMPs on these wounds, and outline what further research is needed.

CEO and Medical Director
SerenaGroup Inc and SerenaGroup Research Foundation
Optimal trial design for demonstrating evidence on product safety, effectiveness and positive clinical outcomes

Given the likely CMS focus on research data for CAMPs, there is need for debate and consensus on what research methodologies will fit the bill. Here, following a panel discussion, the conversation will be opened up to attendees, with polling to generate agreement on the best options

CEO and Medical Director
SerenaGroup Inc and SerenaGroup Research Foundation
Chief Executive Officer
Open Wound Research
Chief of Surgery
Mount Sinai West Hospital, New York
Lunch and Exhibition Viewing
Managing non-healing wounds: Current concepts

SmartTRAK: market surveillance and insights
VP & GM, Wound
Meet the innovators: exploration of mode of action, categorization and indications

Organogenesis: Advancing Healing and Recovery Beyond Expectations

Imbed Biosciences: Developing patient focused technologies that advance care through a unique, fully synthetic antimicrobial matrix platform

Advanced Solution: Meet the innovators: presented by Luke D. Etter

Convatec: Real World Utilization and Effectiveness of Innovamatrix AC

Smith + Nephew: Meet the innovators: presented by Christine Kowalczewski, PhD

Senior Director, Medical Affairs
Imbed Biosciences
Founder & CEO
Advanced Solution
Senior Director Medical Affairs Advanced Wound Care
Medical Science Liaison

Documentation: how to avoid denials

To avoid payment denials, clawbacks and even audit, documentation must be thorough, demonstrating clinical necessity for CAMPs and compliance with the principles of best practice. This session will discuss how to facilitate this, with reference to case studies and scenarios.

Surgeon/Wound Care Physician
Chief Operating Officer
Engage Health Solutions
Afternoon break and exhibition viewing
Wound Bed Optimization
Foot and Ankle Specialists of Central PA/ Wound Care Specialists of Central PA

Breakout session - Maintaining and extending access to CAMPs

Choose from one of the following options:

Option 1: How to manage–and survive–the audit process

An audit can feel all-encompassing and exhausting, consuming considerable time and resource. In this breakout session, regulatory and legal experts will discuss how to prepare documentation prior to an audit and reduce the risk of clawbacks

  • Documentation
  • A lawyer’s perspective

Option 2: Extending access to CAMPs

Access to CAMPs can vary between states and within local care settings resulting in unjustifiable health inequity that adversely affects healing outcomes. This session will explore the problem, and give insights into why this has occurred, the measures that can be taken to address this and what future action is required at both federal and state levels.

Health equity: increasing access to CAMPs in communities with limited reach:

  • Mobile care
  • Critical care access
King & Spalding
Chief Operating Officer
Engage Health Solutions
Chief Regulatory Officer
Wound Care Plus, LLC
Regional Medical Director
Poster-viewing session and rapid-fire talks

Another opportunity to look at this year’s posters and listen to the shortlist of contestants for best Summit poster talk about their submission

APWCA members meeting