Share your CAMPs best practice and research data

CAMPs Summit invites you to submit abstracts for CAMPs Summit 2025, which will be held on February 28 – March 2, 2025 at the Westin Fort Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort, Florida.

Abstracts describing original research or innovative practice relating to the use of CAMPs are welcome.

The successful abstract submissions will be displayed on poster boards in the exhibition foyer. An award for best poster will be announced at the CAMPs poster viewing area on Saturday 1 March.

All abstracts need to be submitted by the end of January 2025.

Notification of abstract acceptance or rejection will be made by Wednesday 22 January 2025

Authors of accepted posters will need to confirm attendance at CAMPs Summit by 12 February 2025 and submit PDFs of their poster(s) by 19 February.

Shortlisted candidates for the best poster award will be invited to give a rapid-fire presentation of their poster(s) in the poster area on 1 March, after which the winner will be announced.

Guidelines for poster presentations

All abstracts must include a title, background, aims, method, results and conclusion.

The total word limit for abstracts is 350 words.

Please include any appropriate references and the contact email address in the poster.

Any financial support received or conflict of interest must also be acknowledged in the poster.

Format requirements for selected posters

• The paper title and all authors should appear at the top of the poster

• The title should not extend beyond the poster size

• All graphs, pictures and tables included should be clearly explained

• The entire poster layout should be readable from six to ten feet away

• Posters should be prepared as a single poster rather than multiple posters pieced together

• Optional: use a QR code on your poster to give the audience more information about your presentation, the chance to connect with you on LinkedIn etc

Poster appearance

• Keep text brief. Report only key aspects of each section (methods, results, discussion, and policy or management implications).

• Keep figures simple. Convey only one idea per figure, table, or photograph.

• Figures from publications, theses, or dissertations normally do not make good visuals.

• Use appropriate and compatible colors for fonts, backgrounds, graphics, and matting.

• White backgrounds generally are best for text.

• Simple typefaces are preferable to fancy fonts. Bold type may be effective on headings.

The display boards that will be available are the US standard of 4’x8’, therefore we are asking for poster dimensions to be 3’x6’ or 4’x8’

Please send your posters or any inquiries to: